Friday 11 November 2016

I Salute You

Remembrance Day is a tough day for many who have lost loved ones because of the horrors of war and it’s hard for those who fought and survived it. I can’t imagine what it’s like to fight the enemy so that the country will be safe from countries who want to see our freedom taken away and who want to see us dead.

What goes on in the heads of men and women who make a conscious decision to risk their lives for me and you? I was going to enlist after I broke up with a boy and when the recruiter gave me some information I got scared, left, and never went back to enlist. So, I know damn well you must have moxie to join the services.

Many of those courageous people came back and couldn’t let go of what they saw. Some of them developed PTSD, reliving the horrors of what they saw or did every day – without a break. Some of them are no longer with us because they needed to stop the never-ending torment. Trust me, they weren’t weak like some people think and they deserve our respect no matter what anyone else thinks.

There are too many veterans living on the street. Is this how we thank them for their service? Why is the government allowing this? Why aren’t they provided with housing and a generous living allowance?

Did you know there are thousands of American veterans who were paid to enlist or re-enlist who were told to pay back the bonuses they were given? Some of them have over $15,000 to pay back! Many of them can’t afford to pay it back and are suffering financial hardships because of the ‘mistake’ by the Pentagon. In my opinion there’s something rotten going on and it’s the soldiers who are paying the price – again.

Too many soldiers didn’t make it back to their families alive. They died for you and for me and they didn’t have to lose their lives for us – they wanted to fight for our freedom knowing they may never see their loved ones again. That says something which should never be forgotten.

So today is not ‘just’ a day to wear a poppy, it’s a day to remember why you still live in a free country, and it’s a day to remember those brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to make sure yours is intact.

To those amazing men and women who fought for me –

                                               Thank you for your service! 

Thursday 10 November 2016

11 Of The MANY Reasons Trump Won

1.“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, beautiful, piece of ass.” (Misogynists everywhere cheered.) 

2.“One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.” (And trumpites didn’t get a clue from this?) 

3.“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” (Making incestuous pedophiles everywhere proud.)

4.“My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.” (Undersized men all around the country think they’re John Holmes now.) 

5.“The point is, you can never be too greedy.” (Another red flag trumpites didn’t pick up on.)

6.“My Twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth.” (Trumpites now think that he has some sort of magical Twitter power.) 

7.“My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.” (Just like his tax returns and his penis size – he has not provided proof.)

8.“Women, you have to treat them like shit” (He has provided proof of this and trumpites didn’t seem to care so this must mean they all think this is a thing.)

9.“I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing” (All low and middle class trumpites will now think this should be implemented – except they can’t afford to force their wives to stay home. What can go wrong here?)

10.There are 3 types of women:
•The good woman who loves her man, but refuses to sign a prenup – get rid of her
•The calculating woman who refuses to sign the prenup because she’s a gold digger.
•The woman who signs the prenuptial agreement to make some quick money. 
(And trump has spoken…) 

11.And don’t forget trump didn’t say no to conversion therapy. (Think about it. It’s like making a black person turn into a white person, or vice versa. It’s impossible and it’s just plain dumb.)

Saturday 15 October 2016

Something Missing In Your Intimate Life?

Sure it's great, but there must be something you could do to spice it up right?

Go to Intimate Village and read my article where I tell you about women's seven erogenous zones and how to locate them. Feel free to leave comments about your experiences with E-zones! is a lifestyle magazine focused on helping people increase their sexual pleasure. 

But wait! There's more! 

Intimate Village is also your one stop shop for his and hers intimate toys!! Sometimes you need something more so pick and choose from one of the many tasteful - or tasty - accessories from Adam & Eve's collection to add to your sexual tool box.

Have a mind-blowing day and stay sexy!


Thursday 15 September 2016

Introducing Diatomaceous Earth – The Best Sand You'll Ever Eat!

Kids have a fascination with playing in the sand and eating it and I was no exception.  My mother told me to stop eating sand because I’d never get rid of my intestinal worms, but that didn't faze me, I still gobbled it down.  I lost the desire for this delicacy as my teenage years hit - I didn't need to that behavior to my social awkwardness. 

The more things change, the more they stay the same
I started eating sand again recently, albeit a different variety than the stuff I ate in my youth. It’s called Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE), and it’s a great addition to my health care routine. There are two types, though so you make sure it isn’t the type used for pool filtration!

What’s the difference between food grade and pool grade?
I’ll let Perma-Guard explain it:

Diatomaceous Earth used in pool (any water) filtration contains Diatomaceous Earth that has been chemically treated and heated making the silica crystalline which is a dangerous respiratory hazard and lethal if ingested.

The fresh water naturally occurring Diatomaceous Earth deposits that are designated "Food Grade" by the FDA have less than 1% crystalline silica and all other sediment that are considered unsafe are also below harmful limits. These deposits are primarily Amorphous Silica which is harmless when ingested and is commonly used in feed and food industries.

So make sure you only put Food Grade DE in your body!

How do I use it?
I put it in my coffee first thing in the morning. I started off with a tablespoon and worked my way up to two tablespoons per day.  My routine is that I stop taking it after month, then after a couple of weeks, I incorporate it back into my supplemental health regimen. You can schedule your DE off-time how you like; this is just what works for me.

One of the things I neglected to do at the beginning of my Diatomaceous Earth journey was to take in enough water. I barely get the required amount of H2O in me as it is, but when I noticed my bowel movement activity slowing down, I upped my water intake. I drink an extra glass of water for every tablespoon of DE I have in a day.

What did Diatomaceous Earth do for me?
·       My hair grew quickly
·       I experienced less joint pain
·       My fingernails hardened
·       My face looked less age-y

How is this possible?

The necessity of silica for collagen formation and development is the basis of many of these physiological effects.

So this is why I saw changes in my nails, hair, and eyes! If this is the only reason I use it for, can you blame me?

Other ways I use it
I figured if silica was good for me it had to be good for my senior dogs, so I started putting it in their food. I noticed that DE slowly eliminated their parasites, made their coats shinier, and it brought out the puppy in them.

My garden reaps the benefits too. I dust a tiny bit of Diatomaceous Earth around stems or spray a mixture of DE and water on leaves. Insects that come into contact with the thin layer of dust dehydrate and die. Speaking of creepy crawlies, it can be used indoors too. Read this to find out how Diatomaceous Earth is ideal for bedbug infestations. 

Safety first
If it’s not used correctly, of course it's not going to be safe! Just make sure that if you have respiratory issues (or don’t want any breathing problems now or in the future) use a dust mask and safety glasses. It never hurts to be cautious.

Where to buy Diatomaceous Earth?
I tried DE after a friend turned me on to it. It had the consistency of flour, and it didn’t leave a sediment on the bottom of my coffee cup. The first time I bought Diatomaceous Earth was from Amazon, but I went for the best bargain and not for quality. It worked, but it was more like sandbox sand than a fine powder. My next purchase was from a hydroponic supply store that sold Perma-Guard. It was much cheaper to buy it from there, and I knew the quality would be up to my lofty standards.

Try it you might like it!

I don’t have any affiliation with the Perma-Guard company, but I always recommend them to anyone who wants to try Diatomaceous Earth for their alternative health needs. Click here to find a distributor in your state or here to purchase DE through Earthworks (another company I’m also not affiliated with).